Monday, January 21, 2013

Project 52|THREE

Project 52|THREE
Monday,January 21, 2013
Enjoying Every Moment...

Museum, Zoo & Parks Oh my!What a fun week! Your papa & I enjoyed every moment with you. You are still getting used to getting your hands dirty while finger painting. You had an amazing smooch with Gigi the giraff & loved it. Mama has lots to do (laundrey, study, clean etc...) tonight so this post will be very very short :). Know that we love you and look foward to many more adventures & experiences.

A few more pictures of your fun week Below xoxo


Monday, January 14, 2013

I am sooooooo mad!!!!

I have worked so hard on this blog for two weeks, now everything is mixed up and pictures are missing. My first post was deleted. RRRRRRRRR

Project 52/2

Project 52|TWO
Monday,January 14, 2013
Let Her Be...!
(Sometimes we can make life overwhelming for our little ones)

I have never underestimated my Nugget, but I believe I have overwhelmed her & in doing so, her stuttering has progressively gotten worse. This week I learned a valuable lesson; Less is sometimes necessary. Less toys, less direction, less questions, less demanding less less less! In wanting to teach & show her everything this world has to offer (& show the world what she has to offer, because we are so proud of her) we have somewhat short circuited Nuggets mind. Her Papa & I decided to take a step back & Let Her Be! Let me repeat that so it sinks into my head; Let Her Be! Let her be the guide to her day, let her sit in a cozy corner with her books  & my pillow & not ask her any questions. Let her play without the constant questions (what's this? Who's that?) every 10 seconds, let her show me what she wants to explore.
In hindsight I did miss a few signs she was being overwhelmed.Waking up in the middle of the night, acting up a bit & not eating allot. Thank God we caught on early & immediately took a step back and remembered that everything will come in due time. First thing I did was clean out & stored 80% of her toys in plastic bins. I will be rotating them every two weeks.  Also, i decided to put a large piece of duck tape over my chatty mouth, so that I don't get temped to ask her a million questions. Not really but you get the picture:). Don't get me wrong; it will not be a free for all in the house, she still has her schedule and if she does something wrong I will tell her it is wrong & show her what is right.
After fixing those two small kinks in our parenting/teaching approaches, what would you know?.... Nuggets anxiety & stuttering diminished a great deal. We are still going to keep an eye on things and maybe take her to get a simple checkup. She has always been happy & chatty, & still is but now does not seem so overwhelmed with toys or questions.


This week she was obsessed once again with Happy Faces "Mama Pinta Happy Faces"she wanted us to draw happy faces all the time. She also had fun putting a diaper on a puppet of Big Bird (no butt or legs) "Mama A Poner Pamper A Big Bird". Oh, let me not forget her request for wipees to clean big Birds butt and anyone else who was around. "Mama Guipee Pa Limpiar a Big Bird".
So this week concluded with some concern lots of laughter, relaxation & a great lesson.
 "When You Know Better You do Better" -Maya Angelou


....Now thats a happy baby!....


Monday, January 7, 2013

Project 52

Project 52|ONE
Monday,January 7, 2013
And so it begins.......
Picking my projects, picking my battles & picking up my baby girl a million times a day for a yummy smooch. 2013 has begun and is looking great so far. I am making an attempt at this pretty cool project 52 thing. I was inspired to do this by Shawna over I do not claim to be a great writer, just a new mom who would love nothing more than to leave my nugget a few thoughts & some stories to look back on. I am also taking on the 365 pictures on Instagram (a picture a day), crossing my fingers I accomplish this one also.
This week was a blast, we went to the Wizard of Oz exhibit at the children's museum with auntie Viv & her 2 beautiful nieces. We also went Strawberry picking; you loved it, but kept asking me to wipe your dirty hands "mama limpia manos". You also kept saying how yummy the strawberry's were "que rico". The first day of the year Papa & I took you to a beautiful ocean front park to play. Another fun stop for us was to Tia Sandras house to play in the backyard & touch the cow mailbox. Abello & Abuela Hildi came by to visit you.Tio also showed up & taught you how to use sidewalk chalk.
You have blossomed so much this week, you are obsessed with happy faces & of course all your books. The mornings begin with you chattering away & giving me your little pillow to put on my chest so you can keep sleeping. You love waking up your Abella (grandma)in the morning & asking her for "munequitos" (this is the only time you are allowed to even watch TV & its in Spanish) papa & I don't like for you to watch TV; books and play is always better. I love that when you are done drinking your milk you always bring the bottle to me in the kitchen and say "sank you mama".
You have so much to say my little nugget that you began to stutter a little this week.
Looking forward to a new week of adventures with you, de-cluttering & studying for my state exam:)